Blog Post

You Don't Need to Be Feeling Ready

Oct 02, 2018
You don't need to be feeling ready

 I’d like to encourage you to let go of the idea that feeling ready is important.

Yes, there may be an amount of necessary preparation. At the same time, it’s helpful to realize that you don’t need to be fearless and “ready" to find your passion — or to do anything else, for that matter.

For instance, here’s just a short list of a few of the things I didn't feel ready for:

I was not ready to study law at a Spanish university without really speaking the language at first. I was not ready to get married in another country with less than 48 hours advance notice. I was not ready to defend my Ph.D. thesis with a crimson-red face and while in pain thanks to my first-ever allergic reaction to a face cream I had tried.

Spoiler alert: I did them and survived. 💪 In this short video, I share a piece of advice that has really helped me to do things outside of my comfort zone:

Why do we still insist on needing to feel ready for something?

I believe we strive to feel ready for something because we don’t like the vulnerability that comes with the unknown. With being outside our comfort zone and outside of our area of expertise.

And yet, vulnerability is amazing.

As Charlie Scaturro points out: “If we consider the most powerful and beautiful moments of our lives, they were probably rooted in vulnerability.”

Tony Fahkry calls vulnerability “an act of courage” and writes: “It is within the unknown where your greatest potential lies.”

While vulnerability takes many forms (such as practicing emotional openness in relationships), one way of cultivating it is through…

Daring to suck (in creative endeavors)

In an article, writer Matthew Trinetti talks about the myth “of the fearless entrepreneur or corporate escapee having it ‘all figured out’ before they started.”

He concludes: “Here’s a secret: they didn’t. Here’s another: they still don’t.”

(Side note: I love this! 😍)

He also mentions a talk that co-founder Alexis Ohanian concluded with: “Sucking is the first step to being sorta good at something.”

This reminds me of an experience I had where I did something I was absolutely terrified to do (impromptu singing in front of professional musicians who’ve opened for Pink). 😨

After being encouraged to dare to suck, here’s what happened: I actually did better when I “dared to suck” than when I tried to do a good job.

Basically, daring to suck = daring to do something despite not feeling ready to do so.

So, let’s talk about...

The power of starting before you feel ready

Writer Benjamin P. Hardy tells the story of a musician called John Burke who wrote an extremely fast song called Earth Breaker: “He wrote a song he could not play. After enough practice, he was able to master the sequence of notes at increasing speeds.”

I think this story is amazing and an example of the magic that can happen if you stretch and dare to suck by doing something you’re not ready for.

It also makes me wonder what each of us would be capable of if we consistently applied this approach?

So, instead of being ready, let’s…

Instead of trying to feel ready, work on being prepared

As I wrote previously, there’s a subtle difference between being ready and being prepared.

  • Being prepared: this refers to taking all the preparatory actions (often physical or mental) to put you in the best possible situation before taking a big step. ✅
  • Being ready: this describes a sense of emotional preparedness, which is something more complex and less under one’s control than mere logistical steps. ❌

With all that being said, let’s move on to…

Taking action

Grab a pen and paper. 📝Then, take a moment to answer the following questions.

(If you want to get the most out of this or if you're afraid of getting stuck, get the "Taking Action Worksheets" and begin by filling those out.)

  • What are 3 things in your life that you don’t feel ready for?
    Examples might include everything from steps outside your comfort zone (such as giving a talk or asking for a salary raise) to big, life-changing events (such as becoming a parent or losing someone you love).

  • Pick one of these things to proceed.
    It doesn’t matter which one. Simply choose the one you most want to work on right now.

  • Keeping in mind the difference between being ready and being prepared, what is one action you can take to prepare yourself for this?
    For instance, if you have to give a talk, perhaps you can prepare yourself by practicing in front of a friend. If you’re not ready for a big, life-changing event, you might decide that you want to talk to someone who’s been through the same thing and get their advice.

  • Take the first step toward getting prepared.
    For instance, if you have decided to practice your talk in front of a friend, send them an email to schedule a time.

The idea💡

 If you find it hard to connect to your passion and purpose, dare to not be ready to do so.

The truth is that feeling ready is overrated. If something brings you joy, allow yourself to do it and to “dare to suck” at it.

Stay in touch:

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